WOODCO USA© manufactures API licensed,
high-quality oilfield products designed and manufactured for long service.
Try Our New Flange Slide Rule Program
Our new tool is here to help you identify flange specifications for identified, unidentified, and series flanges.
Learn About WOODCO USA©
Our Company
WOODCO USA© has a long history of manufacturing quality products. Wood George established WOODCO USA & Co. as a private business in 1958. Originally, Wood George & Co. engaged in buying, repairing and selling used oilfield drilling equipment.
The subsequent owner, Ashley George, purchased and incorporated the business in the State of Texas in 1973. By 1975, the company evolved into a manufacturer of specialty oilfield products.
Wood George & Co. acquired its first American Petroleum Institute (API) Monogram license in 1978. Today, WOODCO USA currently has API licenses to manufacture and Monogram (mark with API Logo) equipment as specified in API Specifications.
In September 2022, WOODCO USA was acquired by the Texas Pipe Family of Companies, strengthening current business partnerships and welcoming new opportunities across different sectors and industries.
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Have questions or need a quote? Use the form to reach out and we will be in touch with you as quickly as possible.
773 McCarty Street – Houston, TX 77029
(713) 672-9491